Childcare Subsidy

You may also qualify for childcare support based on the level of income your family earns. Click here to see if you qualify for this. You could also ask us about it as we are familiar with the criteria and the forms that need to be filled out.

Childcare Subsidy is a payment that helps families with the cost of pre-school childcare.

Who can get it?

You may get a Childcare Subsidy if:

  • you’re the main carer of a dependent child
  • you’re a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  • your family is on a low or middle income.

You should also normally live in New Zealand and intend to stay here.

It also depends on how much you and your partner earn.

The child must be:

  • under 5, or
  • over 5 if the school has advised they can’t start until the beginning of the term straight after their 5th birthday, or
  • under 6 if you get a Child Disability Allowance for them aged either: attending an approved early childhood
    programme for 3 or more hours a week.

Check if you can get Childcare Subsidy

To find out if you could get Childcare Subsidy and what else you might qualify for